lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, aromantic, asexual... the list goes on!
LGBTQIA+ is a rapidly growing acronym that represents multiple communities within the LGBTQIA+ community. The letters that are usually present in the acronym are L (stands for Lesbian), G (stands for Gay), B (stands for Bisexual), T (stands for Transgender), Q (stands for Queer), I (stands for Intersex), and A (stands for Aromantic and Asexual). The plus is there for all of the other communities that the acronym didn't cover. In this page, we will be going over a lot of the communities represented in the LGBTQIA+ acronym, and also listing all of their definitions.

Lesbian: Term for women who are sexually and romantically attracted to other women.

^ flag for specifically gay men

^ flag for unlabeled people

Gay: Any person attracted to the same gender.
Bisexual: Those who are both sexually and romantically attracted to both men & women.
Trans: An inclusive term for anyone whose gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth.
Transgender: A term for someone who identifies as a different gender from their sex assigned at birth.
Queer: An umbrella term for people whose sexual orientation is not exclusively heterosexual or straight.
Questioning/Unlabeled: A term for when a person is exploring their sexuality, gender identity or gender expression.

Intersex: A term used to describe a person who is born with differences in their sex traits or reproductive anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of "male" or "female" sex.

Asexual: A term used for people who do not feel any sexual attraction.
Aromantic: A term used for people who do not feel any romantic attraction.
Agender: Refers to anyone who does not identify with any gender at all.
Demisexual: Under the Asexual spectrum; describes someone who requires an emotional bond to feel sexual attraction.

Genderfluid: Describes someone's gender identity as not static and therefore changes over time.
Non-Binary/Genderqueer: A term used for people who do not conform to binary gender identities.

Pansexual/Omnisexual: A term for people who feel romantically and sexually attracted to all genders and sexes.

Two-Spirit: A term that originated from Native American culture that describes people who are male, female or intersex and have both a male and female spirit within them.
...and many more! There are so many different types of identities, genders and sexualities, and everything is a spectrum!